
Creating a Client


Add the following dependencies to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "io.github.m3is0" %% "jsonrpc4cats-circe" % "0.7.0",
  "io.github.m3is0" %% "jsonrpc4cats-client" % "0.7.0"

A Basic Example

An annotated step-by-step example:

package jsonrpc4cats.example

import cats.Applicative
import cats.MonadError
import cats.data.EitherT
import cats.syntax.all.*
import io.circe.Json

import jsonrpc4cats.*
import jsonrpc4cats.circe.given
import jsonrpc4cats.client.*

object CalcClient {

  import RpcCall.*

  // 1. Define errors (it's also possible to define errors in a shared module)

  sealed trait Err
  case object DivByZero extends Err

  given errFromRpcError[J]: FromRpcError[J, Err] =
    FromRpcError.instance {
      case RpcError(RpcErrorCode(1000), _, _) => Some(DivByZero)
      case _ => None

  // 2. Define a function used to send a request and receive a response

  def send[F[_]](req: Json)(using MonadError[F, Throwable]): F[Option[String]] =

  // 3. Define helpers for building requests (optional)

  def add(a: Int, b: Int) =
    RpcRequest[(Int, Int), Int]("calc.add", (a, b))

  def mul(a: Int, b: Int) =
    RpcRequest[(Int, Int), Int]("calc.mul", (a, b))

  def div(a: Int, b: Int) =
    RpcRequest[(Int, Int), (Int, Int)]("calc.div", (a, b))

  // 4. Make some calls

  // a dummy function with an effect
  def printToConsole[F[_]: Applicative, A](a: A): F[Unit] =

  def run[F[_]](using MonadError[F, Throwable]): EitherT[F, RpcCallError[Err], (Int, Int)] =
    call[F]((add(2, 3), mul(5, 8))).flatMap { (a, b) =>
      call[F](div(b, a)).flatMap { a =>
        liftF(printToConsole(a)) *> pure[F](a)